Our wonderful Sewing Ladies take care of many needs while enjoying each other's company Monday mornings in DUMC's CORC building from 9:00 am - noon. In 2022, the group made 250 "pillowcase" dresses that were given to little girls around the world through regional and international mission teams, 100 stockings that were later filled with toiletries and treats for local middle and high school students, 28 beautifully embroidered tote bags for those in assisted living facilities carry personal items while walking with the aid of a walker, 10 quilts for women in a Birthing Center in Haiti, and 40 costumes for a children's Christmas play. They are always looking for new opportunities to bless our neighbors with their time and talent. Volunteers can sew, measure, cut, and iron.
Contact: Wanda Reynolds, wandareynolds@gmail.com, with questions.