Prayer Team

The Bible tells us to pray continually, and to bring everything in prayer to the Lord, 

and there are over 60 Bible verses about prayer. 


Our purpose is to pray for those who ask for prayers for themselves or for others. We also pray for our church and its ministries, Pastors and staff, other prayer concerns involving our church and congregation, those in the military, expectant mothers, and our country. We meet the first and third Thursdays at 10:00 a.m., and we encourage you to join us!

If you would like more information or to join the Prayer Team, email .

We provide a printed prayer sheet for the congregation, at your request, as public prayer requests are made known to us, so others may pray as well.

Submit a Prayer Request

*** Names will remain on the prayer list for 3 months, if after that time you still need prayer, notify a member of the prayer team by emailing

Prayer team Members: Susan Nickel, Sara Lee, Gail Moretz, Pam Niemeier, & Jonathan Streich

Prayer Request Form

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