Sunrise Resource Center Outreach

The Sunrise Resource Center (formerly known as Deaton Resource Center) offers FREE outreach programs for moms, kids, and families living in the Sunrise Community. The goal of the SRC is to provide free services to children and families, seek ways to cultivate relationships, and grow community standards. We currently offer the following programs to Sunrise residents – Parenting Classes, Finance/Budgeting Initiative, Women’s Bible Study, Boys/Girls Bible Study, Community Gatherings (festivals, cookouts), After-School and Summer Programs for Elementary & Middle School Children (Scouting, STEM Engagements with Public Library, Sports Clinics, Tutoring, etc), Early Literacy Enrichment Opportunities, Supplemental Food Pantry, Emergency Assistance and much more! 

Email for more information!

View our Facebook page here!

Sunrise Resource Center is thrilled to announce the addition of a Supplemental Food Pantry, to assist when or if Sunrise and M&Ms families need a little help with putting food on the table. Volunteers and Sunrise Kiddos will be responsible for organizing, operating, and filling need requests. Furthermore, we will offer drop-off services to any Senior adults or disabled persons in the neighborhood. We are not offering a permanent, ongoing food distribution service! Rather, the goal of the SRC Supplemental Food Pantry is to assist in emergency needs, as they arise, with the understanding that sometimes a "little help" can go a long way!

If your church, organization, business, or family is interested in helping stock our pantry, please text 704-609-7032 for details and drop-off locations. If interested in volunteering with the Food Pantry or other Sunrise Resource Center  programs, please let us know! We LOVE our community! We LOVE what we do!

Sunrise Outreach Updates & Dates


Tutoring is offered three weeks per month, with the fourth week dedicated to Scouting!


 ** Adult and High School student (peer) tutor volunteers needed. **


Monthly learning engagements

Transport Sunrise kids to Oaklawn Scouting Enrichment.



Transport Sunrise kids to Oaklawn.

Volunteers needed to help with transportation and adult supervision while Sunrise kiddos attend STEM & Story Time. 

TIME: 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM



Monthly Engagement


Seeking Guest Speakers!


First Monday of the month. 

3:15pm– 4:15pm with snacks provided. 

Seeking church partners!

Sunrise Needs

  • Male and female community leaders & guest speakers for Girls and Boys Groups.
  • Faith partners to provide additional outreach with more Bible study groups & church services in the community.
  • Adult & Peer tutors for Free Tutoring program. Seeking adult and peer tutors to offer one-on-one or small group enrichment.
  • Groups to help plan and coordinate Large community gatherings & specialized events.

Sunrise Newsletters

February 2024
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