This year's theme:

"Agapao" - strive to build robust understanding of God's love so we can love others the way God commanded us to.

We strive to do our best to steward this amazing ministry.

Please click the link below & complete a 10 minute survey to help us prepare through the summer for an even more positive year beginning in the fall. Email Ben at with any questions!


2023/2024 Calendar & Events

8.9-8.10 : Nantahala Camping Trip

8.18 : Youth Parent Meeting

9.1 : Youth Kickoff!

Click the image for information & to register!


Click the button to apply for volunteer hours!


Harbor Youth exists to be a safe space for students to gather together and grow in Christ. We want students to explore their beliefs and develop a foundation that will carry their faith with them long after they leave Youth. We do this by weekly teachings, small groups, a weekly meal, fun nights out, retreats, and discipleship. We hope that you will join us on Sunday nights in the Family Life Center from 6-8:15ish pm!

Youth Sunday Night Meetings (during the school year)

Grades: 6th - 12th

Time: 6:00-8:15ish

Location: FLC gym 

Style: Food, Worship, Small groups, & Games

Harbor Youth Connected (Sunday school - year round)

Ages: middle and high school

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Location: Youth Room (FLC to the right of the stage)

Teacher: Ben Nobles

Harbor Youth Code:

  1. Honor God and others with words
  2. Honor God and others with actions
  3. Honor God and others with clothing
  4. Honor God and others with our intentions
  5. Honor God and others with our media (music, videos, games, social media)

Harbor Youth Code:

Intergenerational Relationships

Despite the age segregation that exists in our churches and broader culture, each young person is greatly benefited when surrounded by a team of five adults. We call this the 5:1 ratio.

Whole Gospel

Many young people see faith like a jacket: something they can put on or take off based on their behavior. We seek to help students develop a more robust understanding of the gospel, one that integrates faith into all aspects of life.

Partnership with Families

Research demonstrates that parents are the #1 influencers when it comes to spirituality in young people - yes, even teenagers. We help leaders develop new ways to partner with parents, empowering them to nurture faith in their families.

A Safe Place for Doubt

Doubt is not toxic to faith; silence is. Young people want conversations in response to their hardest questions, not just answers. We offer tools and training for these discussions that deepen the faith of everyone involved.


Please check out Axis. This incredible resource is so helpful in navigating culturally relevant conversations with our students. We, as parents, are the biggest influencer in our children's lives. Research also proves that the people who introduce our children to a subject or topic become the authority of that subject who they typically turn to with questions.

Axis Conversation Kits and Parent Guides give us biblical wisdom with grace, truth, and love that will build bridges of trust and communication with parents and students.

Culture Translator sends a free email every Friday to spotlight 3 primary trends in the GenZ World as well as other helpful insights to help parents keep their fingers on the pusle of what students are thinking about.

Absolutely can't recommend enough!

**Click here to see the Parent Guide on Teen Dating

Sometimes when you crack open scripture and read, it get's confusing and weird to the point you don't want to read because you're intimidated by the text.

The Bible Project makes some incredibly helpful videos that break things down so much nicer for us to understand the deeper context and meaning of scripture. Check out their website and Youtube channel for super helpful overview and topical studies.

Parenthood Class Sundays from 10-10:50 am

Parenthood is a small group of conversation, sharing, learning, and growing with other like minded parents who are wanting what's best for their family. Come make friends, learn and share your wisdom, and develop a community in love for God and love for each other. Parenthood is facilitated by Scott and Karen Haskins. In order for our students to turn out their best, we as parents are to model and disciple them with our best. Come grow in a community of grace Sunday mornings.

Click here to learn more about our small groups or Here to learn about the content!

This podcast/Youtube channel makes going through the book of Matthew super understandable. This daily, 10 minute podcast is perfect for on the way to school as it gives a meaningful and important devotional that thoroughly crawls through the Gospel according to Matthew turning over every metaphorical rock on the journey.

Also the dude is super funny and personable as he teaches so it becomes really entertaining as well.

Help the youth with their weekly meals by clicking the SignUpGenius button below!

At Harbor Youth we hope to provide meals for every students who walks through those doors. Fortunately, Jeanne Wetzel has been a massive blessing to HY by organizing, providing, and helping families come along and serve the students.

Parents, please check the dates on our Sign Up Genius for any dates you'd be willing to serve or help provide a meal.

Students: meals are free but you may offer a suggested $5 amount to help HY offset costs of food.

Register to help with Sunday night meals!


Meet our leader, Ben!

“The youth program invested in my kids and molded them into the spiritual adults they are today.”

Julie Doss

“DUMC has been such a place of rest and comfort for me throughout my life. The people at DUMC are such a sweet picture of Jesus's kindness and care for me.”

Grace Clarke
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