2025 Church Council

The Church Council is the official governing body of the church. Their responsibilities include addressing congregational needs and concerns, making decisions as required regarding the Finance, Trustees, Staff Parish Relations Committees, and evaluating the ministry of the church on an on-going basis. Members appointed to this committee will generally serve a 3 year term. This council meets on the 4th Monday of every month.

 2025 Denver United Methodist Church Council

Property Stewards Cemetery Stewards Planning Stewards Sanctuary/Narthex Renovation Mission Stewards
Matt Edwards Tim Strickland Tom Wallace Beth Joy Carol Brown
Denzil Bell Terry Depp Dennis Lee LeAnn Callahan Bob Smith
Mack LeFevers Ronnie King Becky Rollins Erin Shull Jamie Sidler
J. Berley Jud Taylor David Washco Billy Rose Brian LeFevers
Becky Rollins Hap Smith Cortni Rose Roger Welke
Hap Smith Gary Garlow Tanya Leslie
Bob Leslie Tom Lewis Julie Doss
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