Traditional Worship
11:00 a.m.
Our traditional worship features traditional hymns, liturgy, corporate prayers, choral music, children's chimes, and handbells. The music in this service features the organ and piano with special soloists and instrumentalists. Pastors wear traditional clergy robes and stoles. Congregation members feel free to dress as they wish, whether that be dresses and suits or more casual attire.
Denver UMC Chancel Choir is a warm, welcoming place where music is an integral part of traditional worship. There is a deep sense of community within our choir. Everyone in high school through adults are welcome to join the choir as we prepare worship music for the 11:00 a.m. Sunday services each week.
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
We perform major works for Christmas, Maundy Thursday and Easter. We have soloists, ensembles and instrumentalists within the church as well. The Chancel Choir does a variety of styles with a lean toward more traditional worship. We are accompanied by various instruments: Organ, piano, solo instruments, handbells and occasionally a chamber orchestra.
We’d LOVE to have you join us!! We love God and we love singing for Him!!
Come share your talent as we praise the Lord in song.”
Our Handbell Choir consists of 9 - 12 adults. We ring in worship in the fall and spring semesters and take summers off. This is such a great group of dedicated adults that seem to laugh a LOT because it’s fun praising God all while getting to play these beautiful instruments.
If you’d like to give us a try or have other questions contact our Choir Director, LeAnn Callahan at
Contemporary Worship
9:00 a.m.
Our contemporary worship service is where we come together to praise God with contemporary/modern music. The atmosphere is relaxed, but we gather in the name of Christ with worship and praise. Feel free to bring your cup of coffee with you! During the summer this service meets at the Arbor for an outdoor, campground style service.
Meet Erin: Erin Shull comes to us from Newton, North Carolina. She is a lover of the show "Friends," and is often found with a guitar in her hand. Her family has long standing traditions in the music circles of this area, something that has lived on through Erin. She has 2 associate degrees in music and graphic design, and her true passion is singing for the Lord.
9:00 a.m. Contemporary Service in the FLC
10:00 a.m. Sunday School Hour
11:00 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary
5th Sundays will be Combined Worship at 10:00 a.m.
The 9:00 a.m. service is our more contemporary service. We come together to praise God with contemporary/modern music. During the summer months we gather at the Arbor for a camp meeting style of worship. The atmosphere is relaxed, but we gather in the name of Christ with worship and praise. Feel free to bring your cup of coffee with you or grab one on your way in!
Location: FLC
11:00 a.m. worship is the most traditional of our services featuring traditional hymns, liturgy, corporate prayers, choral music, children's chimes, and handbells. The music in this service features the organ and piano with special soloists and instrumentalists. Pastors wear traditional clergy robes and stoles. Congregation members feel free to dress as they wish, whether that be dresses and suits or more casual attire.
Location: Sanctuary
We understand that visiting a new church can be an intimidating experience, so we want you to feel at home.
Our worship services are usually around 60 minutes, with each having a different "flavor", but the message being the same.
9:00 service: Contemporary feel in the FLC.
11:00 service: Traditional style with robes and liturgy in the Sanctuary.
5th Sundays will be Combined Worship at 10:00 a.m.
This campus is huge! Don't be intimidated... we want to help you!
Our 11:00 service is located in the Sanctuary. You can enter the Sanctuary from the multiple sets of double doors closest to hwy 16.
The 9:00 service is located in the FLC. You can enter the FLC by the doors under the overhang located beside the Fire Department. There is parking around both sides of the building. During the summer this service is held outside at the Arbor.
If you need anything throughout the morning just stop by one of our Welcome Centers (located in the lobbies), or just ask anyone with a Denver UMC lanyard or name tag. We’re a friendly family, and we’d love to serve you!
The children and youth experiences at Denver UMC are designed for birth through high school. No matter what age, your child will experience engaging age-appropriate teaching, music, chimes, and activities all created to point your child toward a real relationship with Jesus.
Harbor Kids is designed for children newborn to 5th grade. Each classroom is kid-friendly, age-appropriate and staffed by trained team members who love Jesus and our kids. Be sure to check out our Kid's Page. Harbor Kids is located directly off the FLC gym floor. Leader: Jennifer! Email her at
Harbor Youth is our program for students in 6th through 12th grades. Students can worship with their families on Sunday mornings and have a dedicated Sunday evening program. There are sunday schools offered for middle and high school students. For more information on our student ministry, visit the Student ministry page. Leader: Ben! Email him at
Safety is a priority at Denver UMC. All of our volunteers have gone through training including a background check.
Dress comfortably. We recognize that we all come from different walks of life and everyone is welcome here!
We serve Communion from the altar on the first Sunday of every month. Servers are very cautious to keep all containers as clean as possible. If you don't feel comfortable coming to the church building, email to set up a time for Communion to be delivered to you!
*Gluten free options are also available.
We love adding people to our DUMC family!
To join, just email to let us know of your interest in membership and Wendi Brooks will help start the process with you. If you are a member of another church, your membership can be transferred; if not, you can become a member by profession of faith. We're excited to be on this journey with you!
For more information on childcare or Children's Sunday School email our Children's Director Jennifer at
For more information on our Youth Sunday School, email our Youth Director, Ben, at
Please visit our Connections page for the locations and descriptions of these classes!
You may also email our Director of Discipleship, David at
Sundays can be a bit hectic for our leaders, but we DO want to talk with you! Please call the church office at 704-483-1601 or email to schedule an appointment with one of our pastors.
We have done our absolute best to remain transparent when it comes to our finances, and an annual budget worksheet is available in the front office if you would like to see one.
Ultimately, your money goes to the work of the Kingdom here at DUMC. We have a finance team that arranges and sets our budget, but we all recognize the magnitude of handling God's money, and we prayerfully commit every dollar to loving our community well.