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At Soaring’s Women’s Birth Center, we are celebrating 300 Babies born safely to healthy Moms in Northern Haiti. After nearly two successful years since opening our Women’s Center, we need YOU to help us continue to sustain these great outcomes for the women, children, and families we serve every day!

Visit our website to learn more and sign up for email updates!

Our mailing address is:
Soaring Unlimited Haiti P.O.Box 631 Holt, MI 48842 USA

Read some of the latest Haiti Updates!

  • July 31, 2023

    Soaring: “Back 2 School” in Haiti

    For the first time in five years, we’re excited that school is set to start on time in Haiti. On Monday, Sept. 4, kids across the country—including those sponsored by Soaring—are scheduled to return to the classroom for the 2023-24 academic year. 

    Our hope and prayer is that nothing like the pandemic or other disease outbreaks such as cholera, nor political violence, civil unrest or assassination will intervene to delay the start of school as they have unfortunately every year recently.

    The return of the school year a month from now is also the perfect time for our school sponsors to make your donations.  We welcome both returning sponsors and new ones to contribute to our Soaring Sustainers’ Fund and designate for a school sponsorship to ensure that we can sustain this key program! 

    With inflationary forces in Haiti’s economy, elementary student sponsorships are now $250 a year, & secondary student sponsorships are $400.  This covers tuition, books, uniforms, school supplies, and toiletries. Yet this is still an amazing return on investment, and we can also combine smaller donations where necessary to create full sponsorships.

    Our goal this upcoming academic year is sponsoring 65 kids.  Jeana, Olivier & Carline  are 3 of our available student sponsees, among dozens of others. Soaring launched an Education Committee last year, and its members have worked hard to reinvigorate our school sponsorship program which is Soaring’s longest-standing program. Each sponsor will be matched with a Haitian student & receive their educational details and a photo. Thank You for your prayers & consideration!  ~PastorLaura

  • July 27, 2023

    Women’s Micro-Loans Promote Entrepreneurs & Financial Help

    Just as we are empowering women’s healthcare in Northern Haiti, likewise Soaring is empowering women financially. Over the course of the last two years, we have launched two Women’s Micro-Credit Groups in our village. Some 25 women are receiving small business loans to help support their families and build economic strength in the community! More groups can be started to expand this program, and you can be instrumental in helping provide these new opportunities by donating to our Sustainers’ Fund! Our current focus is on sustainability for the new and existing programs and services that Soaring delivers. 


    Moms and their children deserve a healthy life and stable financial circumstances! At Soaring Unlimited Haiti, we are empowering women to be leaders and entrepreneurs in the community, and to care for their health and their families’ future. Thank You for helping us make a difference ~Pastor Laura

  • January 2023

    I want to share the latest news and sincere appreciation regarding DUMC’s fundraising campaign for Soaring Unlimited Haiti’s Women’s Health & Birth Center. Around this time last year, as Soaring approached the completion of construction on our new building, generous donors from this congregation began contributing toward a fundraiser to furnish our Women’s Center in Northern Haiti. 

    Thanks to your amazing response, we have been able—throughout the course of this calendar year—to purchase and install major appliances and cabinets in the kitchen and laundry area; move in furniture for the birth and recovery rooms; setup the reception and office areas; help furnish labs, pharmacy, and exam rooms; and equip the in-house training facility with internet and presentation equipment. The new building will be called “Sante Fanm” which means “women’s health” in the Haitian Creole language, and we are on track to open it for regular operations just after the start of 2023.

    Soaring has hired three Haitian Midwives to primarily staff the center ~ all of them graduated from a U.S. nonprofit called Midwives for Haiti which operates in the central region of the country and provides in-depth education and training of Haitian women interested in becoming professional midwives. In addition, Soaring is also newly hiring an administrative assistant, an electronic medical records technician, and a cook/housekeeper as additional staff for the new center. We are currently contemplating an early January 2023 launch of the facility’s operations.

    A million thanks again to DUMC! I’m grateful for all the ways in which this congregation has embraced my Haiti ministry! If you would like to remember us again this holiday season, we are included in the DUMC Christmas Catalog. Your support of the birth center helps save the lives of women and children in the most dangerous place to give birth in our hemisphere! Christmas Blessings to You & Yours, Pastor Laura

  • January News Release!


    Soaring Unlimited Haiti is pleased and proud to announce the opening event and launch of its long-awaited “WOMEN’S HEALTH” & Birth Center ~ “SANTE FANM.”  The new facility will be dedicated during an Opening Event on Wednesday, January 25, at 2pm on Soaring’s “Dorothy Frederickson Community Health & Education Campus” in Pistere Village, Limonade Region, NorthEast Haiti.


    The following day, Sante Fanm will open to women in the local village community and surrounding area. Patients who come will be able to give birth with expert care and support from our highly trained midwifery staff, as well as receive a comprehensive array of women’s and children’s health services. Our “continuum of care” includes programming from feminine hygiene support that helps keep teenage girls in school, to prenatal pregnancy care, to postpartum follow-up, to infant and child health and developmental assessments, to family planning services.  Soaring has also been providing classes for local traditional birth attendants to enhance their skills, and will continue to work with them culturally in the community through our new facility and its programming.


    “We are gratified and humbled to finally see this dream and vision come to fruition, after many years of planning, fundraising, and building ~ it is truly a miracle to have completed the project during a global pandemic and the ongoing civil and political unrest in Haiti,” said Rev. Dr. Laura Alexander Elliott, Missionary in Haiti and Executive Director of Soaring Unlimited. “It’s our hope and prayer that the presence of this new facility in the community will improve the health and lives of women and their families in the region we serve in Haiti, as well as significantly contribute to the reduction of maternal and infant mortality rates in Haiti where they are the highest in our hemisphere.”


    The new facility is an expansion of Soaring’s existing Medical Campus and Health Services. The faith-based U.S. nonprofit—which acts as an NGO in the developing nation of Haiti and partners with many other organizations in-country—has been operating a Primary Care Medical Clinic for nearly 15 years in the rural outskirts of the northern city of Cap Haitien, which is the second largest city in the country after the capital of Port au Prince further south. Soaring will celebrate 30 years of service in Haiti next year, and also provides programs to Haitian families and children in education, nutrition, and sanitation. Along with expanded health care facilities, the new building will include a conference room equipped for in-person and online training classes, as well as local community gatherings.


    “We want to thank all of our funders, donors, congregations, partners, and supporters who have made this facility possible, which is an answer to prayer,” said Tom Hanna, President of the Soaring Board of Directors.  “We are especially grateful to Building Goodness Foundation of Charlottesville, Virginia, which served as our design and construction partner. Their expert staff, devoted community volunteers, and funding sources have helped us in major ways to ensure we completed this project."

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The people of Haiti have struggled for generations, but this summer has been particularly challenging. Their president was assassinated in July, followed by severe flooding from two tropical storms and a 7.2 earthquake that took the lives of thousands and destroyed many homes and businesses.

Haiti also suffers the greatest incidences of maternal and infant mortality rates in the Western Hemisphere. Pastor Laura Elliott leads Soaring Unlimited, a nonprofit supported by our Western NC United Methodist Conference, whose focus is on providing education programs and medical services for the greater Cap Haitien area of Haiti. Their latest initiative is the Women’s Health & Birth Center, which will give local women a safe place to give birth and to learn to care for themselves and their babies. 

We have the opportunity to help. DUMC has committed $4,000 from our annual budget to purchase needed items for the Center. Individual donations are also appreciated. A list of requested items is on the back of this flyer. To help the Haitian economy and to be the best stewards of our resources, most items will be purchased in Haiti. To contribute, you may donate through the DUMC website (under “Donation Not Listed”) or by check to DUMC, designating the gift for “Soaring Haiti Women’s Center”. If you wish to donate specific items, include this completed form with the check or you may note on the website. The in-kind items requested may be dropped off in the church office during business hours. 

For more information, contact Pastor Laura Elliott,
lelliott@wnccumc.net, Bob or Terry Smith, bobs709356@gmail.com, terrysmith58@att.net, or Wally or Janis Mlynarski, wzm.fish@gmail.com, janis.mlynarski@gmail.com

Thank you for supporting this vital ministry.

Women's Health and Birthing Center

Cap Haitien, Haiti

A joint project of Building Goodness Foundation and Soaring Unlimited Haiti

Soaring Unlimited works in partnership with the people of the greater Cap Haitien community to enhance their quality of life and empower them in the areas of health services, education, and community development. P.O. Box 631 Holt, MI 48842. 517-256-3580. soaringunlimited.org

Building Goodness Foundation builds, renovates, and repairs enduring structures to advance our nonprofit partners' missions, transform lives, and serve communities in need.

128 Carlton Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22903. buildinggoodness.org

Rev. Dr. Laura Alexander Elliott, Missionary & Exec. Dir., Soaring Unlimited Haiti

Ordained Deacon Clergy Orders, Western N.C. Annual Conf., United Methodist Church

(704) 707-5301      lelliott@wnccumc.net      soaringunlimited.org

Need: Women's health services and a safe place to give birth in rural Haiti

Haiti is the most dangerous place in our hemisphere to give birth. Having skilled care at birth is considered the most crucial intervention to make childbirth safer. Yet Haiti has just one professional midwife for every 50,000 people.

The consequences are clear: Haiti has the highest rates of infant, under-five, and maternal mortality in the western hemisphere.

Soaring Unlimited operates a daily medical clinic with health, education, and nutrition programs, located in a rural community outside of Cap Haitien called Pistere. Bur the size of the existing clinic limits the women's health care services they can provide.

To make birth safer in this community, Soaring Unlimited needs a safe, clean birthing facility and room for the midwives on staff to train and involve rural traditional birth attendants.

Solution: Soaring Unlimited Women's Health and Birthing Center

Building Goodness Foundation will partner with Soaring Unlimited to build a women's health center, which will:

  • Provide the facilities needed for safe deliveries, prenatal/postpartum care, newborn assessments and care, cervical cancer screening, family planning, and training for traditional birth attendants.
  • Enable Soaring to expand the organization's health services footprint in the community, especially to support women's and children's health, and enhance its role as a centralized location for education and training.
  • Include housing for Soaring's Haitian midwives and visiting midwives, nurses, and physicians.
  • Ultimately help reduce maternal and infant mortality in northeastern Haiti.

Cap Haitien, Haiti (pop. 275,000), is the second largest city in Haiti. Cap Haitien is located on the northern coast of Haiti, just a few hundred miles south of the U.S. Its beautiful beaches, numerous historic monuments, and architecture make it a tourist destination. Yet, 59% of the population lives in poverty, and 25% in extreme poverty.

These photos include many people we serve--children, adults, youth, families, and the elderly. They also include members of the Soaring Unlimited Haiti staff and partnering organizations, as well as church and medical mission teams. There are a handful of photos that also include Dr. Laura Elliott as Missionary & Executive Director, pictured with others we serve or work with. The construction photos are related to our most recent expansion of our medical campus where we have built new latrines and hand washing stations, as well as the Women's Health & Birth Center that is underway and will hopefully be completed and come online within the next year.

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