COVID-19 Information & Updates

**** September 20, 2020 update***
In compliance with recommendations from the CDC and NCDHHS, along with directives from our Annual Conference, the Denver UMC campus is open with limited usage.
We will be operating under the following protocol until further notice:

  • Indoor worship will begin on September 20th at 8:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary.
  • Outdoor worship will continue to be offered on Sundays at 10:15 a.m. at the Arbor.
  • Children’s Ministry will continue at 10:15 a.m. coinciding with outdoor worship.
  • Livestream of both services will continue for online viewing.
  • The church office opens back up on October 5th. Office hours will be Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
  • Denver UMC groups pertaining to worship, missions, and discipleship are the only groups allowed to meet indoors at this time. No fellowship events are allowed.  
  • Outdoor meetings are permitted.  
  • All groups meeting onsite must take attendance for contact tracing purposes, and agree to follow proper COVID-19 precautions.  
  • All rooms and outdoor spaces must be reserved via online request at  
  • No food or drink is allowed to be served at any group event or meeting.  
  • If individuals have symptoms of COVID-19 or any other contagious sickness, or if they are at high risk of contracting sickness from others, they should not enter these premises.

If you have an urgent need, please call 980.247.0033.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we move forward.
Updated Conference Guidelines for In-Person Worship & Ministry during COVID-19
June 25, 2020

As faithful disciples of Jesus Christ in the midst of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we remain committed to our Biblical mandate to "love our neighbors as ourselves" and our Wesleyan call to “do no harm.” In doing so, we seek ways to engage faithfully in worship, study, and ministry while ensuring the health and safety of our members and communities. 

We do not recommend returning to indoor worship at this time. Continue hosting online, drive-in, or outdoor worship services while following CDC, state and local guidelines, including handwashing, wearing masks, and observing physical distancing rules. 

Please visit our website to view the updated Guidelines for In-Person Worship & Ministry During COVID-19.  


Visit our COVID-19 Hub to find additional resources for continued ministry and church operations.

Dear DUMC family,

The DUMC Administrative Board met via Zoom on Tuesday May 26th, and approved the following steps for our congregation through June 2020.

As North Carolina begins to phase back to business, it is important to know what DUMC will and will not be doing over the coming weeks. All decisions are guided by our identity as a United Methodist congregation and our commitment to live into John Wesley’s “Three Simple Rules” for Christian living. These are:
  • Do No Harm
  • Do Good
  • Stay In Love With God

Under this guidance, and with directives received from our Annual Conference, the following sets forth our plan for June on-site activities. You may reference Annual Conference guidelines by clicking HERE.
  • There will be no indoor worship or indoor small group gatherings.
  • Outdoor worship will continue to be offered. The time will change to 9:00am beginning Sunday, May 31st. Other adjustments will be made to help us stay as comfortable as possible as summer begins.
  • Staff will continue to work remotely.
  • Online worship, livestream of outdoor worship, and online bible studies will continue.
  • Outdoor meetings are permitted provided the group reserves space through Karen Ritchie, DUMC Director of Facilities. (click HERE to reserve your space). 
  •  All groups must agree to follow established outdoor meeting guidelines (See below)
  • Feeding ministry efforts will continue, provided no more than 10 people are present at one time, following proper Covid-19 precautions (click HERE to view).

Other Implications from Conference Guidelines
  • No choir practice
  • No praise team practice 
  • No indoor children or youth activities

The Annual Conference directives carry us through at least the end of June. As we approach July and gain more clarity on what is required and expected, we will update the congregation. Also, given the direction received from the conference and our obligation to do no harm, we have made the difficult decision to cancel Vacation Bible School this summer. Jennifer Ingalls, our Children's Director, is working on alternatives for what can be offered.

Finally, please join me in a prayer of thanksgiving for all that God has blessed us with. While we are in the midst of ever-changing and challenging times, we remain in God’s care. DUMC is blessed with tremendous outdoor space that allows us to offer outdoor worship, a strong and dedicated staff that is committed to continued and innovative forms of ministry, and a strong and vibrant membership that has faithfully supported our ministry efforts over the past ten weeks. Additionally, we continue to serve our community by providing assistance to those in need. Over the past 2,000 years, God has seen the Church, the very Body of Christ in this world, through challenging times again and again. I have no doubt that God will see us through this time as well.

Thank you and Blessings,
Rev. Steve Autrey and DUMC Administrative Board: Russ Blackwell, Artis Boyd, Karry Brockman, Bill Byrum, Julie Doss, Tommy Grey (Chair), Jeff Hoyle, Sandra Hussey, Dennis Lee, Judy Martin, Marvin Melton, Chuck Morris, Ronnie Sidler, Hap Smith, Tim Strickland, Libba Thompson. 
DUMC Staff: Sandy Askey, Cortni Bazzle, Wendi Brooks, Jennifer Ingalls, Sara Lee, Rev. Todd McCullough, Susan O’Keefe, Karen Ritchie, Erin Shull, Greg Whisnant, Cameron Wilson.

  • Please drop off any packages or mail to P.O. Box 661 in Denver.
  • If you have a pastoral emergency, you may call 704-291-6932 to speak with a pastor.

Guidelines for Outside Ministry Gatherings
The following conditions were put forth by the Board for outside ministry gatherings:
  • Use of any campus facility must be requested online and scheduled by Karen Ritchie, Director of Facilities
  • Meetings cannot be longer than 30 minutes
  • All buildings/bathrooms remain closed and inaccessible
  • Meetings will only be allowed in outdoor facilities/areas
  • Groups must bring their own chairs
  • Everyone is encouraged to wear masks
  • Leaders must keep a list of attendees in case of a positive case of COVID-19.
As North Carolina has begun to remove meeting restrictions we are doing our best to keep up with an ever changing situation regarding meeting on church property. For now, while NC is still in Phase I, meeting physically is allowed- provided certain restrictions are rigorously followed. The meeting can only occur outdoors and CDC social distancing guidelines must be followed. This means, no contact, at least six feet distance between participants, and the use of masks are encouraged. In order to gather, any meeting must be scheduled through our Director of Facilities, Karen Ritchie at 

Outdoor Worship Guidelines
  • Bring your own chair and mask
  • Service will be available in Parking Lot via FM radio on 89.7
  • Service will be available via Facebook Live
  • You can view the entire pre-recorded worship service via our website or YouTube
  • WEARING A MASK is a sign of love, respect, and care for others - EVERYONE is strongly encouraged to wear a mask until seated at the appropriate distance from others.
  • NO MINGLING!!!!! Please, no handshakes, no hugs, and even no elbow bumps. At this time, keeping our distance is a sign of love and respect - not a lack of hospitality. Yes, it will be great to see everyone but if we cannot maintain the appropriate social distance we will jeopardize our ability to have outdoor worship
  • For those who walk well please park in the main church parking lots
  • There is limited parking available via Cedar Street for those who walk less well - please note this is a gravel parking lot
  • There is also parallel parking available in the church cemetery or you may park at the scout hut and walk through the cemetery on pavement all the way to the arbor
  • Service time will be held to approximately 40 minutes to lessen the need for restroom facilities. Port-a-potties are available at the Arbor

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