WILL you grow?

  • By Cortni Bazzle
  • 29 Oct, 2019

Steve's Corner

The names of Cain and Abel echo through human history demonstrating just how dangerous human choices can be. Cain kills Abel, not so much in a fit of rage, but in cold blooded pre-meditation. The fact that he takes calculated steps to kill his own brother may be the most disturbing part of this most disturbing story. The story of Cain and Abel tells us many things - one of those is that we have the ability to choose to act for good or for evil. Prior to Cain’s decision to kill his brother, God tells a sulking Cain, “If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is lurking at your door, its desire is for you, but you must master it” (Genesis 4:7 NRSV). In other words, “Cain, you have a choice to make - will it be a good one or will it be a bad one?” We know the unfortunate choice Cain makes and the horror that making this bad decision unleashes.  

Our own decisions may not have the same high stakes as Cain’s but we all do have decisions that we make everyday that affects us and those around us. God gives us freedom to make those decisions - the question for us is similar to the one posed to Cain, “Will we do well?”  This Sunday are discussing what it means to be created with the ability to make our own decisions through our own free will and how we can make the right decisions with God’s guidance. Who knows, choosing the right path may be a matter of life and death.  

The full text for the sermon is Genesis 4:1-7
(the entirety of the Cain and Abel story is Genesis 4:1-16).
See you Sunday,
Pastor Steve
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