Dear Church Family,
The image of faithful followers of God in Psalm 122:1 streaming up the hills towards Jerusalem so they could celebrate the Lord in His temple, is inspiring. Inspiring because that line of the faithful extends all the way to the present as people gather in sacred places to rejoice in the goodness of God. It happens every Sunday as we gather for worship and discipleship. It happens throughout the week as youth, children, and adults come to our church campus to grow in their faith. It is still good, “To go to the house of the Lord.” At Denver UMC we are blessed to have more and more people coming to the house of the Lord. In fact, so many seek God in this place that we are struggling to make room for everyone. This fact led the Administrative Board to form a study group who worked with a consultant to assess the current and future needs of our church and develop an action plan for our future.
What we found is that while we have a great facility, we also have space challenges that are barriers to growth such as:
• More Children’s space - particularly during the 9:30 am service
• Updated worship space(s)
• Discipleship space for small group meetings
• Bringing connectivity to existing campus
In addition to these needs, our ability to be in mission to our community requires immediate space so we can continue and grow our strong outreach ministries. Meeting all these needs is a large undertaking but with faith and the right plan we can do this! You will see that this is a 5 year plan with two steps. I am asking the membership to accept the entire plan but also know that each step will be voted on separately. Step One, in a two year time period, is to move forward with constructing a Mission Resource Center, renovating existing space, and paying off our existing debt. Step Two, in a three year time period, will be addressing the other issues. This booklet provides a pathway forward for how I, your planning team, and the elected leadership of the church believe God is calling us to faithfully and strategically meet these challenges.
Steve Autrey