Our congregation is full of talented people with good hearts who want to help in their community.
Please browse the table below to find a connection to a local business!
Area of Expertise | Company Name | Website | Contact Person | Phone Number | Email Address |
Food/Catering | Diet Coke Co. | www.google.com | David Washco | 704-234-3456 | anne.evans@mail.com |
Landscape | Grass Seeds & Mulch | www.google.com | David Washco | 704-234-3456 | bill.fernandez@mail.com |
Electrical | Dave's Shocking Results | www.google.com | David Washco | 704-234-3456 | candice.gates@mail.com |
Childcare | Steve's Roundup | www.google.com | David Washco | 704-234-3456 | dave.hill@mail.com |
Food/Catering | Diet Coke Co. | www.google.com | David Washco | 704-234-3456 | anne.evans@mail.com |
Landscape | Grass Seeds & Mulch | www.google.com | David Washco | 704-234-3456 | bill.fernandez@mail.com |
Electrical | Dave's Shocking Results | www.google.com | David Washco | 704-234-3456 | candice.gates@mail.com |
Childcare | Steve's Roundup | www.google.com | David Washco | 704-234-3456 | dave.hill@mail.com |
Want to add your business?