DUMC Mission Statement

At Denver UMC, we believe God is calling us to be a Harbor of Hope in a chaotic world.

We exist to Know God, Build Meaningful Relationships, and Unleash Compassion.

Our Vision Statement

Unleashing Christ-like compassion into our community through faith, love, and service.


In the midst of constant change, God is still God.

We believe that God is calling us to be a community where people can leave the unrealistic demands and expectations of the culture behind. We are building the type of worshiping community that stands firm for God in a culture gone off the rails. A harbor is much akin to a sanctuary - it is a place to rest and connect with God. It is a place where vessels take shelter from storms and re-provision so they can set sail once again. We are called to be a church where people have their lives repaired and re-equipped, to go out and face the demands of living with confidence and energy. Being a harbor of hope in a chaotic world begins with our worship services, and extends to every square inch of the property. When you, or anyone else, crosses over the white line from Hwy 16 onto this parcel of land, they should feel and experience that this place is different. It is set apart for God’s glory, and the rescuing of people who are drowning in sin and pain. Denver UMC is a family made up of diverse believers from all over the country, from many walks of life and denominations. Denver UMC has a rich tradition spanning over 130 years of helping people just like you come to know Jesus. 

We look forward to having you connect with our DUMC family.


God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, 

though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with tumult.

-Psalm 46:1-3 (NRSV)                

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